A couple of days ago we landed in Greenland.
We met on Wednesday at Malaga Airport, to take the flight that was going to take us directly to the challenge.
The emotion that we all felt at that moment is impossible to define…. The incredible thing about these next 15 days is something that only Manuel, our guide, can tell us. He has been leading this adventure for 8 years, which is an understatement. 15 days in the Arctic, sailing among icebergs, ascending icy mountains, under the polar cold.

All this is a great challenge, but courage is a trait that all the members of the expedition share, as we have all had to face cancer. Courage and struggle is a constant in our lives and that is why this challenge is something that is so close to our hearts.
In addition, we have trained thoroughly for this for months, to be strong inside and out.
However, no one prepares you for the impact of seeing a glacier in person for the first time.
Today was that moment, and the truth is that we were all left with our mouths wide open. The grandeur of nature in its purest state… This trip aims to raise awareness about climate change and its effects on it, and this first impression has already made us reflect on how vast the planet is and how little we are aware of how all our actions affect countless incredible places that we do not know.

We will continue on this adventure and we will tell you everything that impacts us through this logbook. We still have so much to discover…