Nunca más sin ellos

We are working towards creating a fairer, more inclusive society and a better environment for our pets

Our manifesto

We take action

We take action Working to create a better future, for our pets too

Desafío Ártico

Desafío Ártico

A través de esta aventura polar, se reivindica el papel de los perros como apoyo imprescindible para las personas en situaciones extremas como las del Ártico.

Ong k9 Creixell

Ong k9 Creixell

NGO that trains search dogs to find people who have disappeared following an earthquake or natural disaster.

Perros y Letras – R.E.A.D. España

Perros y Letras – R.E.A.D. España

Program to improve children’s reading skills with specially trained dogs.


“Reuniendo vínculos” (Bringing Bonds Together): An initiative to bring companion animals into the correctional environment.

“Reuniendo vínculos” (Bringing Bonds Together): An initiative to bring companion animals into the correctional environment.