‘Dismantling false myths of the Spanish Animal Protection Law’: a journey of analysis

Fundación Dingonatura supports a conference organized by Huellas Compartidas and the Col·legi de Veterinaris de Barcelona on the key aspects of this new law.

The new Spanish Animal Protection Law is pioneering and has generated much debate, but how will it affect the lives of people who have or want to have a pet? What aspects does it regulate, how will it be implemented?

To clarify these doubts, this June 12th we have been part of a journey of analysis led by the association Huellas Compartidas and the Col·legi de Veterinaris de Barcelona.

In this day, which was attended by the Director General of Animal Rights, Sergio Garcia Torres, and was moderated by Aure Farran of the association Huellas Compartidas, the key aspects of this new law were discussed, such as compulsory dog liability insurance, the sale of animals, their breeding, cat sterilizations and the prioritization of ethical methods in the sterilization of species.

One of the most controversial aspects of this law was also discussed -the course on responsible dog ownership. It is a course that will be mandatory for all people who want to have a pet (dog, cat or ferret) and will be free, online and of short duration (less than 30 minutes).

It is essential to demystify the hoaxes about laws and regulations that affect the quality of life of animals and their families in order to advance in a better coexistence and respect, and that is why in Fundación Dingonatura we take the initiative to support and collaborate in actions that have this objective.