Perros y Letras – R.E.A.D. España
Representatives in Spain of R.E.A.D. (Reading. Education. Assistance. Dogs), a program that improves children's reading skills by having specially trained dogs present with them.
By being in the company of R.E.A.D dogs people gain self-esteem and confidence.
Scope of action
National. Alicante, Castellón, Guadalajara, La Coruña, La Rioja, Mallorca, Madrid, Navarra and Zaragoza.
People of all ages with special educational needs.
Collaboration with Fundación Dingonatura
Fundación Dingonatura subsidizes top quality food for the dogs that form part of R.E.A.D. It also helps finance projects directed at vulnerable groups, such as the inmates at the Soto del Real prison who suffer from mental illness.
Causes and objectives
Dogs and Letters provides a unique response to students and adults with special educational needs. It addresses aspects of educational and social inclusion, focusing on variables such as the acquisition of reading skills, adaptation to the group and self-esteem. The bond established between the reading dog and the reading person strengthens the emotional stability of both parties and reflects a genuine acceptance of diversity.

Primary school students have improved their reading skills
In Spain 7% of children suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), although only 3% are diagnosed and only 1% receive treatment.