Participa con tu donación

Change is only possible by joining forces and your donations are key to moving towards the future we want to build. Thank you for your help.

With €20 you will save 4 pets from certain death.
With €50 we can start new animal-assisted treatment projects.
With €100 we can help 15 people at risk of social exclusion and their pets.

We will never share this information with anyone.
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Select Payment Method
Visa Mastercard Maestro Diners

Make your donation quickly and safely using RedSys

How it works? You will be redirected to a secure payment gateway in RedSys, where you will be able to pay with your credit or debit card. When you're done, you'll come back here to see your donation receipt.

Donation summary:
Donation Summary
Payment Amount
Giving Frequency
Consider making this donation
One time
Donation Total

Donation Total: €20 One Time