We collaborate

With projects that care for and protect our pets

Ong k9 Creixell

Ong k9 Creixell

NGO that trains search dogs to find people who have disappeared following an earthquake or natural disaster.

Perros y Letras – R.E.A.D. España

Perros y Letras – R.E.A.D. España

Program to improve children’s reading skills with specially trained dogs.

We get involved

With initiatives that align with our goal, actions that sensitize and generate social awareness and that support research into the role of animal companions in vulnerable groups.

Raising awareness

Desafío Ártico

Desafío Ártico

A través de esta aventura polar, se reivindica el papel de los perros como apoyo imprescindible para las personas en situaciones extremas como las del Ártico.

Asociación huellas compartidas

Asociación huellas compartidas

Association that sets up social projects with dogs and promotes responsible ownership


Cátedra animales y sociedad

Cátedra animales y sociedad

Develops programs researching the emotional relationship between people and dogs.


We devise and promote the development of friendlier and more inclusive cities for everybody, gaining spaces, lifting restrictions and, above all, by defending the place that pets deserve to have in society.